Status Effects

Various status effects can be applied to creatures and objects. Most status effects can stack. The stacks will either determine the intensity of the effect, or the duration of the effect, or in some cases both. If the stacks determine the intensity, the duration is determined by the ability that has applied the effect. There are many debuffs that will have an infinite duration, but can be removed at some cost.

When multiple stacks of the same status effect are applied and the stacks only determine intensity, the duration for the ability is determined only by the first stack that was added. For example, if hastened is granted to a character using Haste then the character will gain 1 Hastened for 30 seconds. If this is cast on them again after their next turn, they will have 2 Hastened, but both stacks of hastened will be removed after 24 seconds, now.


Creatures or objects that are burning will take 1d4 fire damage per turn, at the start of their turn, until the fire is extinguished. For objects, this is taken at the start of initiative order. Usually, unless there is an actual fuel source (the object which is on fire could be a fuel source itself), the fire will extinguish after a single turn. When a creature is burning, it will take damage to all of its health pools simultaneously.

This effect cannot stack


Creatures with the vulnerable status effect will take 1.5x physical damage (round down).

When this effect stacks, its duration stacks, not the damage.


Creatures with the weak status effect will deal 0.75x damage (round down).

When this effect stacks, its duration stacks, not the damage.


A character may become exhausted for a number of reasons. They may have travelled for many consecutive days or may have endured a very difficult uphill fight. Some abilities may be able to inflict exhaustion on a character also. When exhausted, every roll is performed twice and the lower roll is accepted. When travelling, an exhausted character cannot run.

Exhausted cannot stack and it will be cleared the next time a character long rests.


A dazed creature will have 10 less AP to use per round. This can stack up to a maximum of 3 times. Certain abilities which apply dazed may have another effect which applies after the third daze. If a creature has less than one AP because of dazes, they will fall unconscious.


A creature covered in slime or some other sticky liquid will have 5 fewer AP per round until it is removed. It can be removed by scraping it off with a weapon, which takes 10 AP to do.

This can stack infinitely. If a creature is brought to 0 AP or less with slimes, they are essentially stunned until someone or something else scrapes away the slime.


The dark of the void has permeated your very being, reducing your AP by 15. This can be removed at will at any point during your turn, restoring your maximum AP by 15 and increasing your current AP by 15 but doing so will deal 5 damage to all of your locations.

This can stack infinitely, each stack reducing maximum AP by 15, but all stacks can be removed by taking the 5 damage, regardless of how many are applied.


A stunned creature cannot take action.

Each stack of stunned represents the duration in turns. This ticks down by 1 in place of the creature taking a turn.


A mesmerised creature cannot take action but will come out of mesmerisation upon taking damage.

Each stack of mesmerised represents the duration in turns. This ticks down by 1 in place of the creature taking a turn.


An ensnared creature cannot move but can otherwise act freely.

Depending on what is ensnaring the creature, this will have different methods of removal (eg. if it is vines, they could maybe be cut, but if it is magic, a counterspell or resistence may be needed)


A bound creature cannot take any physical actions exception for attempting to escape the bindings. They can still speak and are fully conscious.


Specific poisons will have their own descriptions but the general poison effect is damage over time to the affected location(s)

Each stack of poison will increase the damage dealt and the remaining duration. At the start of a poisoned creature's turn, they will take damage equal to their poison stacks to the affected location(s) and the number of poison stacks will decrease by 1.

For example, if you hit someone in the right arm with a local poison, giving 3 poison stacks, they would receive poison (right arm) - 3

At the start of their next turn, they would take 3 damage to their right arm. This damage would cause pain. They would lose a poison stack, going down to 2.

At the start of their following turn, they would take 2 damge to their right arm. Again, this damage would cause pain. Once more, they would lose a stack, going down to 1.

Finally, at the start of their third turn, they would take 1 damage, once more causing pain, and lose their final stack of poison.


Decay will damage a random primary statistic (STR, DEX, END, INT, WIS, CHA) by 1 at the start of your turn.

Roll a d6 to determine which stat is being reduced.

Each stack of decay represents a turn of duration for the effect.


Regeneration heals lost HP over time. It will affect all locations and remove pain from any locations in pain.

Each stack of regeneration represents both the amount of healing done and the duration. At the start of each turn, all locations will heal by the number of stacks, and the number of stacks will be reduced by 1.

Time Warped

Time no longer affects a creature or object that is time warped. They will be unable to take action, but also cannot take damage, be moved, or be interacted with in any way. They are frozen in time

Each stack increases the duration by one turn.

Time Dilated

A creature or object that is time dilated will take an additional turn at the end of their turn, losing a stack of Time Dilated.

Each stack will give more additional turns, but only one stack can be used per round. ie. if you have two stacks and you end your turn, you will get an additional turn but then at the end of the extra turn, your turn will end normally. The second stack of time dilation will remain until your next turn, at the end of which you will get another extra turn.


Blinded is essentially temporary blindness. A blinded creature cannot see and are unable to make ranged attacks (if they attempt to, the projectile will go in a random direction for a random distance, to GM discretion of how to handle it) and will receive a 75% miss chance on any melee attacks that would otherwise have hit.

Stacks represent the duration in turns


A turned creature, usually undead, will be forced to spend all of its available AP moving directly away from the source of the turned effect, be it a creature or a magical device.

Each stack represents the duration of the effect in turns.


A hastened creature gains an additional 10 AP per stack of Hastened.


Each stack of rhythmic increases the damage of all attacks by 1. Once the first stack of rhythmic is gained, the creature must perform exactly the same actions, in the same order each turn or lose all stacks of rhythmic. Every turn rhythmic is kept, a stack is gained.


A stack of fortified can be expended at will when any other status effect is being applied to a fortified creature, negating that status effect.


Luck will increase all rolls by +1, but cannot exceed the maxmimum a die is able to roll.

Each stack increases this bonus by 1. At the end of each turn, you will lose 1 luck.

Arcane Sensitivity

Creatures with the Arcane Sensitivity status effect will take 1.5x magical damage (round down).

Each stack represents the duration in turns.

Arcane Diminishment

Creatures with the Arcane Diminishment status effect will deal 0.75x magical damage (round up).


Each stack of clairvoyant will increase your dodge and parry scores by 1. You will lose a stack at the start of your turn.


Intanglible will render you immune to physical damage but also unable to inflict it. Stacks represent the duration of the effect.

Marked for Death

Each turn, your stacks of marked for death will count down. When they reach zero, you are instantly killed. If the debuff can be removed before they count down, you will have no ill effect.


Lose one point of END and one stack of crumbling at the start of your turn. Your maximum health will be decreased as a result of the lost END.


At the start of your turn, roll from the table (link to a table to be added). You may perform the ability in that table once this turn for 0 AP.

Stacks increase the number of rolls you make. Duration is determined by the ability that grants the status effect.

Something for Kandorae

Something for Enchonia

(Stat) Drain

A specified primary statistic is drained from the affected creature (or object if applicable) and given to the source of the drain.

Stacks increase the amount that is drained. All stacks are removed when either creature falls unconscious.


All primary stats are reduced by 1 per stack of Cursed.


All primary stats are increased by 1 per stack of Blessed.


A charmed creature will act of its own volition to attempt to help whatever has charmed it.

Stacks represent duration in turns


Being in pain will give a penalty equal to 10 - your endurance bonus to all skill checks. It will give the following penalties to dodging and parrying attacks:

Pain cannot stack, but you could have multiple sources of pain at the same time. Their general penalties will not stack, but if you have pain in your arm and your leg, you would get the larger penalties to dodge score and the parry/attack roll if applicable.

Penalties from pain can go down to a minumum of 0 (ie, if you have really high endurance, you don't get bonuses for being in pain).