Reidview Refuge
Initial Description
Replace this text with a description of what the players see when they are approaching the island by boat. In case players are approaching an
island by a different means (eg flight), then get creative with what is written in this section.
Landing Description
Only needed if the players will notice something when they land on an island that they wouldn't see from a distance. This is the description they
receive when they land on the island.
Island Map
Full Map
With grid coordinates
Zoomed to the island itself
Zoomed with grid coordinates
Key locations
List all of the key locations on the map here, giving a description of what content is there at each location. As much detail as possible
Depending on what the locations are, you would list different information. If you list a town here, you should list its inhabitants under that
town in this section.
encounter-ghostly-apparition (3, 67)
encounter-ghostly-apparition (5, 56)
encounter-witch-hut (8, 71)
lore-sealed-portal (9, 42)
religioussite-pascalentue (11, 45)
encounter-ghostly-apparition (13, 58)
lore-burial-ground (17, 38)
lore-burial-ground (19, 77)
lore-sealed-portal (21, 68)
encounter-ghostly-apparition (27, 71)
encounter-ghostly-apparition (28, 89)
encounter-ghostly-apparition (28, 91)
encounter-ghostly-apparition (29, 55)
encounter-trading-post (29, 93)
encounter-ghostly-apparition (30, 62)
encounter-ghostly-apparition (31, 66)
encounter-skeleton-warriors (34, 51)
temple-elentius (40, 72)
town-small (42, 60)
lore-stone-circle (48, 38)
lore-sacrificial-altar (56, 35)
encounter-ghostly-apparition (61, 55)
encounter-ghostly-apparition (80, 77)
town-small (042, 060)
religioussite-pascalentue (011, 045)
encounter-ghostly-apparition (029, 055)
encounter-ghostly-apparition (061, 055
encounter-ghostly-apparition (080, 077)
encounter-ghostly-apparition (027, 071)
encounter-ghostly-apparition (030, 062)
encounter-ghostly-apparition (031, 066)
encounter-trading-post (029, 093)
encounter-skeleton-warriors (034, 051)
encounter-witch-hut (008, 071)
lore-stone-circle (048, 038)
lore-sacrificial-altar (056,035)
lore-burial-ground (017, 038)
lore-sealed-portal (009, 042)
This would be things like journal entries. If there are dungeons on the islands, the maps should be here (or at least linked to from here if it's a TTS map).